Clean Architecture vs Onion Architecture

In Onion Architecture, the database is just a infrastructure detail. The rest of your code shouldn’t worry if you are storing your data in a database, in a file, or just in memory. It’s responsible for dealing with the persistence , and acts like a in-memory collection of domain objects. Repositories, external APIs, Event listeners, and all other code that deal with IO in some way should be implemented in this layer. For example, let’s say you are developing a banking system.

onion architecture explained

Then, you are implementing a use case which lets the user check her or his account balance. These objects have no behavior, being just bags of data used alongside your models. Both software developers and domain experts should be able to talk in a Ubiquitous Language.

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In our case, there should always be an inward dependency. This means that the code should only depend on what’s closer to the center, ignoring “outside” layers. Well, onion architecture is probably the best option to enhance testability and maintainability. It creates a structure of layers, just like an onion, where you could test everything separately. For me, the definition of clean code is that when I look at it, I think, “wow, that’s so simple. The simple code makes it easy to maintain as it is easy to understand.

This is another variant that I have noticed in many huge solutions. Let’s say you have around 100 interfaces and 100 implementations. Do you add all these 100 lines of code to the Startup.cs to register them in the container? That would be insane from the maintainability point of view.

C# Onion Based Architecture

In fact, while there are numerous definitions of microservices, there is no single clear and unified definition. Broadly speaking, microservices are web services that create a type of service-oriented architecture. Instead of each module being responsible of instantiating it’s own dependencies, it has its dependencies injected during it’s initialization.

onion architecture explained

Add the Data in the domain that is used to add the database context class. The database context class is used to maintain the session with the underlying database using which you can perform the CRUD operation. The GET request for the DeleteUser action method returns _DeleteUser partial View. The code snippet mentioned below is under the User folder of Views. The GET request for the EditUser action method returns _EditUser partial view, where code snippet follows under the User folder of views.

UI Layer

Presentation project will be the Presentation layer implementation. The main idea behind the Onion architecture is the flow of dependencies, or rather how the layers interact with each other. The deeper the layer resides inside the Onion, the fewer dependencies it has. Let us take a look at what are the advantages of Onion architecture, and why we would want to implement it in our projects. The Onion architecture is also commonly known as the “Clean architecture” or “Ports and adapters”.

onion architecture explained

If we need/want to change the DB or API Schema in the future, we can simply change it. As far as it gives what the application asks for, the application doesn’t even know the change in DB or API. Image by authorNow we can see that no inner layer depends on any outer layer. Simply by having an Interface between these 2 layers, we could invert the dependency.

Why Onion Architecture?

In addition to ensuring that the program is operating properly, this also makes it simpler to find and repair errors. These guidelines are crucial because they free developers from the burden of sifting through a maze of disorganized code in order to swiftly add new features and solve errors. This is the clean architecture described by Uncle Bob.

They must contain business logic and not be purely technical. For example, a microservice that logs all events it listens to on an event bus to another system has a strictly technical purpose. There is no business logic that could be isolated from the technical details. Application core and adapters are isolated by ports – the use cases in the application core interact exclusively with these ports without knowing the technical details behind them.

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I’ve included the Solution Explorer view to see the relationship between the logical and physical layers side-by-side. I’ll explain each of the layers by working my way from the inside out. The name Onion Architecture was originally coined by Jeff Palermo, but has since gone under lots of other pseudonyms. Ports and Adapters, Hexagonal Architecture and Clean Architecture are all different names for effectively the same thing. They represent a way to structure the code that clearly separates the domain of the problem from the underlying technologies that implement the solution.

  • When we use Onion Architecture, we start with the central layer, the core.
  • I will stay in the enterprise system space and all discussion will reside in that context.
  • The business logic directly depends on the database, while the presentation layer has a transitive dependency.
  • It can be a separate repo that creates external resources or a tool that lives in the application’s repo but runs before the application itself.
  • Software Development Pros and Cons of Python For over 30 years, python has been used by many software developers all over the world.
  • I have tried to make it as simple as possible to understand how the entire architecture is designed.
  • For a Web application, it represents the Web API or Unit Test project.

In clean architecture, too, all source code dependencies point exclusively in the direction of the core. Where calls point from the inside to the outside, i.e., in the opposite direction to the source code dependency, the dependency inversion principle is applied. The business logic directly depends on the database, while the presentation layer has a transitive dependency. For example, all entities, repositories, and ORM libraries are also available in the presentation layer.

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