Obedience without orders: Expanding social psychology’s conception of ‘obedience’

define obedience in psychology

This finding implies that even outside of experimental settings, people will forgo potential financial gain to obey authority. The concepts of compliance, obedience and conformity, are all interrelated and shared with some similarities between them. Both compliance and conformity have shown to be improved when there are define obedience in psychology positive inter-personal attitudes . Likewise, having attention to incidental similarities between the requester and the individual who obeys has shown to increase compliance (Burger et al., 2004) by improving the relationship between the two. Similarly cohesiveness of the group has been shown to affect the conformity .

define obedience in psychology

When you clean your room on your own accord because you know your parents expect you to keep a room tidy, that is conformity. However, if you clean your room because you’re being told to do it, that is obedience. The results of Milgram’s experiments showed that if the researcher reminded the participants that they would not be liable for their actions and that he would take all the responsibility, the participants continued to obey. The purpose of this experiment of Milgram was to find out whether the ‘S’ would obey or refuse to obey when ordered to give the victim an extremely dangerous electronic shock.

What sets Obedient Behaviour Apart from Conformity?

In this study Milgram took some participants who were told that they could deliver electric shocks to another person each time, he committed an error on a task of learning. But even sometimes persons without authority and power to award punishment, and people who are strangers command orders on submissive persons and produce high levels of obedience in others. Milgram conducted a number of experiments to find out the existence of evidence if any, infavour of the above view i.e., whether individuals would obey commands from a relatively powerless stranger. In normative social influence, people conform to the group norm to fit in, feel good, and be accepted by the group. However, with informational social influence, people conform because they believe the group is competent and has the correct information, particularly when the task or situation is ambiguous. What type of social influence was operating in the Asch conformity studies?

In the experiment, subjects were told they were going to take part in a study of the effects of punishment on learning. In reality, the experiment focuses on people’s willingness to obey malevolent authority. Each subject served as a teacher of associations between arbitrary pairs of words.

What is Obedience Theory?

By giving agency to the soldiers, they are less likely to carry out orders that could prove harmful to others. Sam’s doctor orders him a prescription of a medication that he’s never heard of following a blood test. Although he’s not quite sure what exactly the medication does, he takes it because he trusts that his doctor knows what she’s talking about. True or false – If you look at the pros and cons of obedience, the con aspect of obedience is called constructive obedience.

What is obedience in social psychology example?

Obedience is common in life. For instance, children must follow what their parents tell them to do, employees have to obey the orders of their boss and as an extreme example, soldiers have to absolutely follow the instructions of their leaders in the army.

Constructive obedience whereas if police shoot innocent people or if people obey discriminatory laws, this would be an example of destructive obedience. So they obey the commands of that leader even though they feel that these are unlawful activities going against one’s conscience. The pressure of a partner in Milgrams experiment on obedience, reduced, the proportion of obedient subjects to ten per cent. This indicates that support for defiance or disobedience usually helps attempts for resistance.

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