What is Kotlin? Guide to Kotlin Programming Language

However, the following blog post is a deep dive into Kotlin and its applications for backend development. Android developers can refer to this blog post to learn about fast and reliable asynchronous Kotlin backend development, and its uses for server-side apps or REST APIs. Yes, Kotlin and Java code can coexist in the same project seamlessly. Kotlin provides excellent interoperability with Java, allowing developers to use Java libraries and frameworks in Kotlin code and vice versa. This interoperability makes it easy to introduce Kotlin into existing Java projects incrementally. Another advantage is that Kotlin programming language is fully compatible with Java.

Java is best suited for creating Android apps since it is platform-independent, and as a result, Java apps work on any platform. Java has its own runtime environment, Java Runtime Environment, as well as an API. A major portion of Android apps are based on Java, which is one of the most popular languages on GitHub.

Is Kotlin on social media?

Kotlin developers have access to all Java frameworks and libraries while writing more clear and concise code. What makes Kotlin so popular among developers is its clean language design and powerful features. Its goal is explicitly not to introduce new concepts, but to bring together programming language features that have proved to be beneficial for large-scale projects.

  • Kotlin programming language is still lacking such huge support.
  • Even so, the Kotlin community is around 20 times smaller than Java’s, and more developers are still inclined to using Java.
  • One key difference between Java and Kotlin is that the former is primarily an object oriented programming language while the latter also supports functional programming.
  • JetBrains integrated a new feature into IntelliJ which converts it to Kotlin and saves a considerable amount of time.
  • The majority of the innovators who utilized Kotlin are satisfied with their experience.
  • However, Kotlin allows achieving the same results with fewer lines of code, which positively influences code maintainability and readability.
  • There is no doubt that in the years to come more and more companies will choose Kotlin for their projects.

The main philosophy behind the programming language is that you don’t need to migrate the entire application to a distinct operating system. This object-oriented and functional language is worth learning whether you want https://globalcloudteam.com/ to develop cross-platform mobile applications or enter the field of web development. The best part about KMM is that you won’t need to introduce new programming languages to a codebase to make a cross-platform app.

Abstract classes are open by default

Before you decide to learn a new programming language, It’s important to choose the correct one that fits your needs. It’s an object-oriented programming language supported by the Java virtual machine and Java libraries. Kotlin’s clean language design and powerful features offer an accessible user experience. Rather than introducing new concepts, Kotlin brings together programming language features that have proved to be beneficial for large-scale projects for some time now.

Destructuring declarations decompose an object into multiple variables at once, e.g. a 2D coordinate object might be destructured into two integers, x and y. Semicolons are optional as a statement terminator; in most cases a newline is sufficient for the compiler to deduce that the statement has ended. Then in android development with kotlin the year 2012, Kotlin’s first web demo was released along with a new logo and became an open-source language. The development of the Kotlin language was announced in the year 2011. Alumni Johann S went from being a high school graduate to a software engineer thanks to the skills he learned at Coding Dojo.

Android development

Most of the companies like Twitter, Pinterest, Netflix, Uber, etc. switching to Kotlin for android app development. Because it is lightweight, clean, concise, and less verbose especially for writing callbacks, data classes, and getter/setters. A combination of JVM and android combines object-oriented and functional programming features. Note that Kotlin’s standard library totally depends on the Java class library.

what is kotlin used for

It makes the process much easier to switch from Java to Kotlin during development. Out of all available and popular programming language options, Kotlin is one of the youngest. Still, over the last few years, its popularity has spiked significantly. After Google named it an official language of Android development, more and more companies started to consider it for their projects. The majority of Kotlin developers still use the language for developing Android and server-side applications. More than 10 percent use Kotlin for mobile multiplatform development, and this number continues to grow.

What are the advantages of Kotlin?

Up until May 2017, the only officially supported programming languages for Android were Java and C++. Google announced official support for Kotlin on Android at Google I/O 2017, and starting with Android Studio 3.0Kotlin is built into the Android development toolset. Kotlin can be added to earlier versions of Android Studio with a plug-in. Allowing top-level functions is just the beginning of the functional programming story for Kotlin. The language also supports higher-order functions, anonymous functions, lambdas, inline functions, closures, tail recursion, and generics. In other words, Kotlin has all of the features and advantages of a functional language.

In the following table, we have made head to head comparison between Java and Kotlin. Requires, at compile time, a method to catch exceptions with the throws keyword or handles exceptions with a try-catch block. Kotlin still lacks some of the tools and optimizations that we have grown used to from working with Java. As we make progress and these tools and libraries mature, we will also work to release them back to the community.

Java: a brief overview

Because it is aware of the specific instruction lengths of the operating system and other characteristics, the JVM is what makes Java itself platform-independent. Java is often used for developing enterprise-level applications such as e-commerce websites, banking systems, and CRM systems. This is still in use today along with C, which was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972.

what is kotlin used for

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